Welcome to the Bridge
Welcome to The Bridge; a self-contained Hub dedicated exclusively for Year 7 students! We understand the importance of choosing the right Secondary School for your child to ensure that they get the best possible start to the next step in their education.
The Bridge is a learning space based in its own building with its own social spaces, garden, canteen and classrooms. It provides a happy and secure environment where students feel at home quickly and feel confident enough to make rapid progress as they start to build their brighter future. Most Year 7 lessons are taught within the Bridge’s newly refurbished building.
Staff in the Bridge provide a warm welcome for all new Bridge students transitioning from Primary School to Barr’s Hill School making sure that all pupils feel safe and comfortable in their new learning environment.
The Bridge is led by Mrs Hayer, an experienced Assistant Headteacher who ensures that every student achieves their potential and demonstrates outstanding character in everything they do. She is supported by a team of experienced colleagues who will ensure that students in The Bridge show outstanding progress no matter what their starting point. We are dedicated to providing the best educational achievement for each and every one of our students at the start of their 7 year journey with us.
A special curriculum for Year 7’s
All Year 7 students will take part in a carefully crafted curriculum that encompasses traditional academic subjects such as English and Maths taught by our specialist Faculty Teachers, plus a range of cross curricular learning experiences. They will take part in fantastic ‘Create’ projects that cover Art, STEM, Textiles, Photography, Cooking, Drama and Music.
We devise highly personalised timetables for each Bridge student based on their particular needs to make sure that every child is stretched to reach their full potential. Students who arrive below national average in key subjects such as English and Maths, work with Miss Echeverria-White and her team to make sure support is in place through lots of intervention lessons in small groups, which gives pupils the boost they need. Children who are more able are placed in our Accelerated Programme which ensures that they get the stretch they need.
Raising aspirations and having high expectations of all our pupils is a principle within The Bridge and each pupil in The Bridge has the opportunity to visit a university in their first year with us. We do not allow any barriers to get in the way of our pupils achieving great success and we want to give them every opportunity to succeed.

Literacy in The Bridge
As you know, reading is one of the most important things your child can do. Please watch the video below from our Literacy Lead, Miss Echeverria-White, as she discusses some of the ways we support your child’s reading at Barr’s Hill School and how you can help at home.
Meet the Bridge Team