What is the Intervention Hub?
We are an inclusive school and aim to provide all students an environment in which they can flourish. Student Services works alongside our year group hub structure to provide bespoke intervention as and when it is required, to help support students overcome barriers to learning. This is often a short-term intervention, or may be a package of provision and support that is required throughout their seven year journey. Our aim is to provide all students with an environment where they feel safe and can succeed both academically as well as becoming confident individuals who successfully transition into adult life.
Quality first teaching is key for the success of all students, particularly for those who may have additional barriers to learning. Alongside this, we have a range of academic, therapeutic and emotional well-being support services to ensure that every child is able to make the appropriate progress, whilst being encouraged to develop independent learning skills. We are also committed to making reasonable adjustments so that all students can continue to have an equal opportunity to a broad and balanced curriculum.
Parents/carers have a key role in the decision making around the support their child receives. We actively seek to develop these relationships and the voice of the student, working together to ensure success.
A member of the Student Services is available at all parent events. If you have any specific concerns or questions regarding additional support for your child then please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Barr’s Hill School
If your child has SEND needs they these will be identified and held on the SEND register. Every child with additional needs will have a One Page Profile outlining the specific SEND information, appropriate targets and strategies. This is made available to all teaching staff to help inform their planning and the effectiveness of the profiles is monitored regularly by the SEND team. Both Parents and Students are invited to add to these plans and to be actively involved in their content and review.
If you believe your child has a SEND need that has not been identified, we are able to use a range of services to diagnose and suggest strategies to remove barriers to learning and help them to achieve success. In the first instance you should contact your Hub to raise your concern.
In line with the Coventry Local Offer https://www.coventry.gov.uk/localoffer we follow the graduated approach (assess, plan, do and review). This ensures that the SEND need and strategy for every student with SEND is relevant and purposeful. We use this approach to assess if there is a need for more specialist intervention. Where a student has significant barriers to accessing education, we may move towards applying for an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) in accordance with the criteria set out in the SEND Code of Practice.
Students who already have an EHCP will have an enhanced support plan in place and Parents/Carers will be invited to review the plan each term as well as the statutory EHCP review.
Please see our full SEND Policy for more information.

Internal Intervention and Support
We have a number of staff working within Student Services, who can provide bespoke intervention for a wide range of needs. The Hub and Student Services work closely together to decide which intervention is most appropriate for the individual student. The Assess, Plan, Do, Review model is also used here so that we can monitor the success of each intervention, analyse impact and help to inform future support.
Examples of interventions include:
Literacy diagnostics
Reading Inference
Nessy (dyslexia Screener & Programme)
Catch up Numeracy / Power of 2
1-1 reading interventions
Boomerang / protective behaviour groups
Access arrangement assessments
Lunchtime nurture groups
Lego and Play Therapy
Working with External Agencies
We are committed to working with a number of outside agencies and have access to a range of services to provide additional bespoke support for individual students. We are also able to refer students directly to other health professionals such as the Neurodevelopmental team and CAMHS/RISE.
Agency support in school includes:
Complex Communication Team (ASD)
Educational Psychologist
In-School Counselling Service
School Nursing Service
Coventry Work Related Learning Providers