Our ‘7 Year Journey’ encourages all of our students to build brighter futures.
As our students progress through school, they build an understanding of the responsibilities of adulthood whilst developing key character traits and skills needed for life, work and leadership. Each Hub and every year group has a unique focus, carefully planned to support the child at each step of their journey. The 7 Year Journey focuses on six key aspects: Communication skills, careers guidance, student leadership, character development, enrichment experiences & opportunities and reflection & celebration. Students engage in an exciting and impactful programme of personal development opportunities and are given time to reflect on the new knowledge and skills they gain. From the Bridge, through to Post 16 Select, students are supported to plan and manage their careers and this enables them to leave us for fantastic post-school destinations.
Our pupils develop character through PRIDE
PRIDE articulates our values and helps shape the learning, behaviour and experiences of our students. PRIDE helps students develop the ability to self-regulate and do ‘the right thing at the right time in the right way’.
Written after thorough consultation with parents, staff and students, each PRIDE statement has been carefully designed to encourage the development of character, employability skills, such as leadership, and fundamental British values and behaviours for learning. PRIDE represents much more than a list of school values or a set of behaviours; PRIDE helps our students thrive throughout their seven year journey and as active members of a global society once they leave us.