Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

At Barr’s Hill School, our students embark on a seven year journey designed to encourage all our students aim high and make responsible, ambitious decisions about their futures. As students progress through each Hub, they embark upon a series of experiences that provide them with the tools, skills and knowledge to confidently progress to the next stage of their journey. Our aim is for every student to leave us feeling confident and well prepared for their transition to the world of work, higher education, apprenticeships or their chosen pathway.

Our full time Careers and Pathways Lead, Miss Matthews, is available to support students, parents, staff and external organisations with all careers related questions. Tel:024 7623 4600 Email:

Our strategic lead for Careers is Andreas Michael, Assistant Headteacher Personal Development. Tel:024 7623 4600 Email:

Developing skills employers want

PRIDE at Barr’s Hill lies at the heart of all we do. It articulates our values and that shape the learning, behaviour and experiences of our students.

PRIDE was created in collaboration with employers and with key employability skills in mind. Each PRIDE statement is designed to encourage the development of employability and leadership skills that help our students thrive throughout their 7 Year Journey and as successful members of a global society once they leave us.

Impactful opportunities, delivered at the right time

The events, experience and opportunities within our careers programme are tailored to suit strategic objectives for each year groups. This approach  enables experiences to be built on what has been done previously and also helps ensure activities are not repeated.

An overview of our careers programme can be downloaded here.

Careers in the Curriculum Posters

Careers Information

We are committed to supporting all students to make informed choices throughout their seven year journey with us. Every student will receive at least two 1:1 careers interviews with Miss Matthews throughout their time at school, but are able to request an appointment if they feel it is needed at any time. Please do so by dropping into Miss Matthews’ office or requesting an appointment through your tutor or via email on

Digital Resources


Unifrog is an online careers platform designed to connect you with your future career potential using a variety of resources. Although you will be allocated time in school to use Unifrog, you can also access it from home to continue your career exploration.

To login, please go to and enter your username and password to bring up your personal profile.

When you first log in, please follow the link in your email. If you don’t have this link or have forgotten your password please email Miss Matthews at


Useful links

General Careers Research – Use these websites to research careers, industries, pathways and how they link to future study.

Start Profile:

Future Learn:


A–Z of jobs:


University Preparation – Use these websites to conduct research into universities and the courses they provide.

UCAS website:

Which? University:


Applying to University – Use these websites throughout your applications process.

UCAS application:

Personal Statement Advice:

Student Loan Company:

Apply for Student Finance:


Information on Apprenticeship Options and Vacancy Search – Use the below websites to research and apply for apprenticeship opportunities.

 Government Apprenticeship Website:

Apprenticeship Guide:

UCAS Apprenticeships:

Get My First Job:

All About School Leavers:

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber Training:

Heart of England Training Centre:

Coventry City Council:

Young Professionals:


Subject Specific Research – Use the below links to research subject specific queries

Beginners Guide to Legal Careers:


Health Careers:

Tomorrow’s Engineers:


Work Experience – Use the below links to research and identify work experience opportunities



Please visit our Alumni page to learn more about the success of our former students.


Unifrog is an online careers platform designed to connect your child with their future career potential using a variety of resources. Although they will be allocated time in school to use Unifrog, they can also access it from home to continue their career exploration.

We have also set up a parent login so that you can use Unifrog as if you were a student yourself, allowing you to support your child throughout the process. The form code you need is: BRHLPARENTS and you can sign up here:


We are keen to support all students to make informed choices throughout their 7 year journey and want to help parents to support their child in these decisions. As such, we welcome meetings and conversations with all parents/carers and encourage parents to book appointments with our Careers and Pathways Officer Miss Matthews via email on


Useful Digital Resources 

To further support parents/carers in helping their children make these decisions, please see the below resources and websites that will be updated regularly.

A Parent’s Guide to Careers Guidance

Careermag Careers Magazine for Parents

All About School Leavers Parent Guide

Parent Advisor Careers Website

Target Careers – Information for Parents

UCAS Advice for Parents and Guardian

Key facts about Careers

Careers guidance can have substantial benefits for the economy by supporting individuals to enhance their capacities in ways that contribute to enhanced jobs, skills and growth. (Hooley 2015).

Students are 18 times more likely to be motivated to learn if their teachers know their hopes and dreams (SSAT, 2016).

57% of young people surveyed would speak to a teacher about what to do next (HeppSY partnership report 2020).

To learn more about how good careers guidance is defined, visit

Useful Links


All staff have access to the Unifrog online careers platform. The Unifrog resource library includes a huge range of resources that can help you ensure you are providing your students with accurate, up to date careers information across every subject we teach.

To login, please go to and enter your username and password to bring up your personal profile.

When you first log in, please follow the link in your email. If you don’t have this link or have forgotten your password please email Miss Matthews at


Other useful websites:

What is Labour Market Information (LMI)?

LMI is information about the world of work. It includes information such as descriptions of jobs, the skills and qualifications needed for particular jobs and average salaries. LMI also looks at trends in the labour market in terms of which sectors and industries are in demand, which are in decline and which are expected to grow in future.

Information classed as LMI includes:
• Skills, career pathways and progression routes in the local labour market
• Qualifications, training and entry requirements
• Employment sectors, employers, jobs, salaries and employment trends
• Job demands and working life
• Financial planning

How to find LMI:

All of our students have access to Unifrog – an online careers platform that includes up to date LMI across a wide range of careers sectors. To login, please go to and enter your username and password to bring up your personal profile. If  you have forgotten your username or password please email Miss Matthews at

Some other useful websites include the National Careers Service where you can find out extensive LMI on thousands of jobs. The iCould website also provides job profiles in a more teen friendly, video format and includes the Buzz quiz, a matching quiz which we use in school to help students match their skills and interests to job sectors.

Download and read Careers of the Future West Midlands to find out the 40 top jobs of the future.

Use the Careerometer below to find out key information about different jobs including average pay, working hours and projected workforce changes. Just type in any job title to find out more! You can also click on “Display the UK Average” to see how your selected job compares to the UK average.

Measuring Impact

Our careers programme is fully aligned with the eight Gatsby Benchmarks for ‘Good Career Guidance’ and complies with the Department for Education’s statutory guidance for careers. We are constantly looking to improve the support we provide for our students and monitor the impact of our careers programme through:

    • Pupil Destination Data at KS4 and KS
    • Unifrog analytical tools
    • Pupil evaluation forms following careers events
    • Pupil evaluation forms following careers interviews
    • Feedback from students in all years through careers focus groups
    • Feedback from parents through parent survey
    • Staff feedback
    • Input and scrutiny from Link Governor for Careers

Our careers programme is reviewed annually and amended in accordance to the needs of our students.